Diabetes Causes Erectile Dysfunction, Find a Cure!
Warning Bells for Men: Diabetes Causes Erectile Dysfunction, Find a Cure!
If you think that endocrinological changes, neuropathy, and vasculopathy are the only symptoms of hyperglycemia resulting from diabetes mellitus, then you are wrong!
A recent study published by the NIDDK (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) states that 20-75% of men having diabetes, experience sexual dysfunction.
Shocking, isn’t it? The good news is that around 60% of diabetes cases can be controlled, prevented, or delayed with proper care and precautions. Here’s how you can treat diabetes-induced erectile dysfunction.

Diabetes can attack anyone, in any phase of life. The rising numbers of diabetes patients in the last decade back this fact. Today, there are 422 million diabetics in the world, over 30 million of them living in the United States.
Chronic diabetes is a group of diseases that affect how a person’s body uses glucose (or blood sugar). Since glucose is vital for body muscles, tissues, and the brain, its absence causes other problems like stroke, heart failure, blindness, amputation, and kidney failure.
Excess accumulation of sugar in the body damages our circulatory system, nervous system, eyes, and kidneys. Since the human sexual response is guided by the circulatory and nervous systems, long-term glucose imbalance can also cause sexual difficulties ranging from slow response, discomfort, diminished libido, pain, and sometimes, impotence. (Source: Voice of Diabetic, Volume 19, No. 1, Winter 2004 Edition)
Besides the physical agony, diabetes places an immense mental, emotional and financial burden on the patients. The American public spends more than $245 billion on diabetes management every year. (Source: Diabetes Research Institute Foundation)
Similarly, the total number of erectile dysfunction cases in the world can be estimated at 10-20 million. Surveys show that the erectile problem lays an annual financial outlay of about 146 million dollars on the health industry.
On average, ED is responsible for 30,000 hospital admissions and 400,000 out-patient doctor visits in a year. The bigger damage is caused to the patient’s self-esteem, mental stability, and sexual relationship. (Source: Boston University—School of Medicine)
Diabetes can be classified into two irreversible conditions — Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes. Reversible diabetes conditions include gestational diabetes (that crops up during pregnancy and resolves post-delivery) and prediabetes (where blood sugar levels are abnormally high). Type II Diabetes is often linked with Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
Boston University Researches Show that Men in the 40-70 year Category are More Vulnerable!

The researchers at the Boston University Medical Center state that about half of the male patients diagnosed with diabetes type II are more likely to develop erectile impairment or the inability to attain and maintain the penile erection for satisfactory intercourse in the next ten years.
Somehow, the disorder is age-dependent and affects people between 40 and 70 years. The symptoms worsen with age.
ED affects just 5%-10% of men below 40 years of age. The risk of developing impotence rises from around 22% for men above 40 years to 49% for men above the age of 70.
In a survey conducted on American patients, it was found that 10% of men above 40 years were completely dysfunctional and 25% of men in this age category developed intermittent erectile dysfunction. (Source: Boston University—School of Medicine)
Luckily, 90% of these cases are curable with a healthy lifestyle and medication.
What Happens in Diabetes-Induced Erectile Dysfunction?

Impotence—the chronic inability to sustain an erection for intercourse can result from—
- ESRD (End-Stage Renal Disease)
- High cholesterol level and Vascular Complications.
Both these conditions block or damage blood vessels, nerves, or a mixture of vessels and nerves responsible for erection. While temporary damage is reversible, permanent damage (which indicates a previously undiagnosed heart disease) may induce long-term impotence.
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment for People having Diabetes:
- Topical Vasodilators like Minoxidil and Nitroglycerin ointments to improve circulation
- Yohimbine therapy (that works like aphrodisiac drugs)
- Buy ED medicines such as Levitra, Viagra, Cialis. (Note: Always consult your doctor before taking any meds.)
- Vacuum Constriction
- Penile Injections
Diabetes Induced Erectile Dysfunction Prevention:
The US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases sponsored the DPP (Diabetes Prevention Program), which lays down instructions controlling diabetes and ED:
- Try to lose at least 5-10% of your current weight.
- Indulge in physical activities. Start slowly and gradually add more exercises until you perform 30 minutes of activity every day.
- Follow a healthy, reduced-kilojoule diet.
- Avoid Nicotine and Alcohol.
- Tight glucose control.
Diabetes and ED Diet:

Foods having a low glycemic index (that take a lot of time to digest, get absorbed quickly by cells, and gradually increase the blood sugar levels) are good for controlling this condition
- Cauliflower
- Cabbage
- Tomato
- Spinach
- Guavas
- Radish
- Whole grains
- Legumes
- Nuts (Almonds, Walnuts, Peanut Oil)
- Wheat bran and whole wheat flour
- Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (Tuna, Salmon, Bluefish, Sardine, and Mackerel)
- Avocado
- Canola
- Olive oil
Herbs and Molecules that Help with Erectile Dysfunction:
- Panax Ginseng
- Maca
- Mondia whitei
- Ginkgo biloba
- L-arginine
Genetically induced diabetes or erectile dysfunction is not treatable, but controllable to some extent. It is important that you consult a doctor, dietician, and physician to create a suitable treatment plan to treat this disorder. Practice portion control, increase your physical activities, and buy drugs from reliable chemists to manage normal blood sugar levels.
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