Exelon (Rivastigmine)
Exelon (Rivastigmine) 1.5mg

Exelon (Rivastigmine) 3mg

Exelon (Rivastigmine) 4.5mg

Exelon (Rivastigmine) 6mg

Related Product: Exelon Patch
Exelon or Generic Rivastigmine Uses, Dosage & Side effects
Exelon is the trade name for medicine, Rivastigmine. It is a prescription medicine indicated in the treatment of dementia (confusion) associated with Parkinson's disease as well as Alzheimer's disease. This medication does not treat either of these illnesses, but it may perk up memory, attentiveness, and the capability to execute everyday activities.
How does Exelon exert its action?
Exelon, composed of active ingredient Rivastigmine, is a very effectual medicine used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and Dementia-associated signs (memory loss and mental changes in people). Rivastigmine hydrochloride exerts its potent activity by inhibiting N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptors, as a result, helps in controlling various signs attributable to Alzheimer's disease.
How to use Exelon?
Exelon is available in the form of a patch to be applied to the skin. The patch is applied to the skin type one time in a day. Avoid opening the sealed pouch until set to use. The pouch is opened and the patch is removed from the shielding liner. Avoid cutting the patch of Exelon. And use it as per the directions on clean, dry, bald regions on the back, chest or upper arm. The old patch is removed initially prior to the application of a new patch. Avoid the use of two patches of Exelon at the same time. Avoid touching your eyes while you are using the patch of Exelon. Your hands must be washed with soap and water after each use of Exelon. Remember to remove the old patch while changing your patch and fold the patch half and discard it out of the reach of pets and children. A new patch is used in a different area in order to prevent skin irritation. Avoid the use of a new patch on the same region for a minimum number of two weeks.
In case of a missed dose of Exelon:
In case you miss using a dose of this medicine, try to use it as soon it is possible, but skip out the missed dose if it is almost the time for your next dose. Avoid using two doses of Exelon at one time.
Side effects and safety profile:
Some of the side effects of Exelon patch include dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, weakness, weight loss, skin irritation and shakiness (tremors). If any of these effects continue or get worse, speak to your physician promptly.
Drug Interactions:
Possible drug interactions with Exelon include:
• NSAIDs such as Indomethacin, Naproxen, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen
• Bronchodilators, for instance, Glycopyrrolate, Ipratropium
• Opioid painkillers such as Ultram(Tramadol)
• Avoid using the patch on broken or inflamed regions of skin or regions where you have used cosmetics such as lotion or creams. Do not use Exelon patch on the regions where tight clothing may rub the patch off. Avoid taking a bath with the patch on.
• Do not expose yourself to direct heat (such as prolonged direct sunlight) while using this medication as heat may cause more medicament to be released into your body, enhancing the possibility of side effects.
• Exelon (Rivastigmine) may make you feel drowsy or sleepy. Thus it is recommended not to drive, use machinery, or perform any activity that needs attentiveness until you are sure you can perform such activities safely.
How to Buy Exelon (Rivastigmine) online?
People can buy Exelon (Rivastigmine) by calling Offshore Pharmacy customer support, or by placing an online order at offshorecheapmeds.com. In addition, customer support is backed by a chat feature. For extra information, search on the "How to Order" page on offshorecheapmeds.com.
Is it possible to Get Exelon (Rivastigmine) Online?
Yes, licensed medical practitioners may recommend Exelon (Rivastigmine) online after a medical assessment. Patients can discuss with their online doctors to understand the disease/disorder and then the doctor will provide a prescription for the medication accordingly. Then, you can share the Rx with us via email, fax or upload the prescription to a licensed online Canadian pharmacy.
Is there a need for a prescription for Exelon (Rivastigmine)?
Exelon (Rivastigmine) is a drug that is sold only with a prescription provided by doctor. While processing the order for Exelon (Rivastigmine), it is essential to get a valid prescription from the concerned doctor. The prescription may be scanned, emailed, or uploaded at Offshore Cheap Meds. Otherwise, we at Offshore Cheap Meds can also contact the concerned doctor to obtain a valid prescription.
How much amount can be ordered of Exelon (Rivastigmine)?
The maximum quantity of Exelon that can be ordered online at a time is a 90-day supply. The quantity depends upon the directions and amount stated on the medical prescription. Refilling alternatives also come for future requirements.
Getting an order of Exelon (Rivastigmine) online from Offshore Cheap Meds
Offshore Cheap Meds is a totally safe and secure way to order medications online. It works similarly to any other traditional pharmacy. Offshore Cheap Meds aims at serving safe and affordable prescription medication to people. You just only need to have your prescription from a licensed doctor.
Are there any coupons for Exelon (Rivastigmine)?
Yes, Offshore Cheap Meds offer a coupon for Exelon (Rivastigmine) with an additional discount to help people save money on medicines. Using the coupon code mentioned on the website, people can save several dollars on their medication. People must take care of the minimum order value. They can use the coupon at checkout to attain swift discounts, hence, they can pay less for their prescription.
Do Offshore Cheap Meds ship medications to the United States?
Yes. Offshore Cheap Meds deliver all around the United States of America. Once the product has been dispatched, an email notification is sent to the customer.
Is there any option for express shipping?
An express shipping alternative is obtainable. The delivery time is seven to twelve business days. People can check this alternative of Express shipping at the checkout page while processing the medication order.
How to refill a prescription?
Offshore Pharmacy make it easy to refill a particular medicine. By going to the reorder section of My Account tab, a person can easily put a refill alternative available online. For ordering a refill, call us or chat with customer support. Also, this live chat feature is one of the convenient ways to reach us while doing a refill order.
Is there any option of auto-refilling the prescriptions?
Offshore Cheap Meds does not automatically refill prescriptions. As it can be the case where a person no longer requires similar medication or the concerned doctor might go for dose adjustments or other factors. Yet, there is a refill reminder service available with us.